Hello there! I’m bringing you the latest news from Ohashi Cherry Orchard.

Our cherries this year are promising an unprecedented abundant harvest. In recent years, we’ve had to end the cherry-picking season early in July due to a smaller yield. But this year, the situation has completely turned around. It seems we will have plenty of cherries for everyone to enjoy until early August.

Today, I strolled around our orchard and took some pictures. You can clearly see different types of cherries growing vigorously. Various types of cherries are plentifully bearing fruit, and the sight is nothing short of a paradise. Please take a look at these pictures with me.

And why don’t we celebrate this year’s bountiful harvest together? At Ohashi Cherry Orchard, we’re waiting for you. Experience the joy of picking fresh cherries by yourself and savoring them on the spot. Cherry picking is the perfect activity to spend a great time with your friends and family.

We welcome individuals and small groups of less than 20 people at any time. Please come before all the cherries are picked. There’s no doubt that this year’s cherry picking will be even more enjoyable than usual! We look forward to your visit from the bottom of our hearts.